Hi, I am Vijay Pawar

UI | Motion | Graphic Designer

I have learned the art of digital creation through curiosity and motivation. My education is fueled by my experience and “YouTube University,” and while I have not pursued formal certification, I have always strived for professional excellence. My focus on method and aesthetics brings great value to my clients, and personal satisfaction for me in fulfilling their creative needs.


The following skills I have developed by self learning and progress bar shows the skills level.

User Interface Design

Modern and adaptive design that is user friendly motivates users to adopt your product. Unique and distinctive design ensures your products will stand out from the rest.

Icon design

Icons guide your users toward a fundamental understanding of what actions to take or not to take. Well designed, an icon communicates effectively with minimal space.

Motion design

Motion breathes life into icons and designs, captures the attention of your users, and makes the experience of interacting with your site both pleasurable and memorable.


These are live animations on my Lottiefiles portfolio, however the art work is from iconscout, icons8, and others.

Let's Chat

I work on the Upwork platform exclusively, so I may be contacted here